Lenders Direct
Shaun Bonett is responsible for the strategic objectives and processes of Lenders Direct, and plays an active role in sourcing, assessing and approving finance transactions across Australia.
Lenders Direct Pty Limited is a private equity finance company operated by the Precision Group.
It provides first mortgage and mezzanine finance to investment vehicles and property developers within the Australian retail, commercial, hospitality, residential and industrial sectors.
An ability to provide speedy assessments and approvals for projects and investments which typically fall outside the lending criteria of the major banks gives Lenders Direct a competitive edge and delivers its customers the financial means and solutions so necessary for success. Most of all, Lenders Direct has the unique ability to act quickly. There are no cumbersome internal structures. Finance is sourced from within the Precision Group. Approvals are speedy and as the name implies, the result is direct.